Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Joy October 11

Good morning, I am happy to say we will be home the end of next week. Next week I am at UCLA for check up. I will have a mammogram to show there is no more cancer -- also have other tests run. I start on Tues. with the mamo and Dr Chang -- Thurs is obgyn for pap. I also have a time with the oncologist, i went off the med for estrogen blocker and feel great. She will want me to go on another one and i will try it out. send me good thoughts knowing i am very healthy. I feel that way. I have been in Vegas for a week, lots of time with Lauren and Dean. Friends, eating and shopping. Weather is wonderful. I stopped in to see our renters here, their lease is up in March I asked what their plan was. They want to rent it for 3 years again, simply do not want to move.yea We are blessed to have them the house looked great, so clean. They lived through a lot of construction when pipes had to be replaced all through the house. They stayed in it to make sure the paint and clean up were perfect. They use it as tho they own it, wow. they were happy to know we rented in Morro Bay so we won't want to move back into "their" home. Are we blessed or what ? Lorin and Dandy are coming this way after about a week travel they will be near Albuquerque today. Meanwhile i am enjoying hotel living. Take an elevator to first floor and maybe choose one of the restaurants or get in the car (thank you Dean) and go. I am not a gambler, haven't put a dime towards gambler, rather spend my money shopping. I am at the Suncoast which is in the neighborhood I know so well. Had dinner with a friend who is a Realtor. She said homes here are starting to sell. investors are snapping up homes for around 100,000. and fixing them up for rental or turning them. Lorin and I were in Toledo, his family is wonderful and we were able to take my Mom to see the new grand-baby. There are 7 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Dandy had as much attention as the baby, everyone loves him. Leaves were starting to turn, red and gold. We walked in a local park where trees look about 30 ft. and higher. All that water, green and lush. The trip on the way to Toledo was fun, stayed three nights in Santa Fe. We could walk to bus stop and have a ride downtown to the square that reminded me of St. Marks. All the shops and in front of the walk were natives who were selling gemstone jewelry. We met very nice travelers. There is something mystical about that area, light is always soft and very friendly, it slowed us in walking around the downtown area. Staying in the moment. what a gift. I as the reader of our gps (smart phone) while Lorin was driving i told him it was a right turn instead of left and we ended up in Dodge City Kansas. (the original "get out of dodge") Spent 2 nights there enjoying the history, boot hill and local fun. Toledo is about2100 miles from CA so we are very please the motor home ran like a top. Since we bought a used rv there have been repairs and new tires and even built in a desk for Lorin, we toyed with the idea of getting a new sofa but that didn't happen. I would love to hear from you and what is happening in your world. Looking forward to coming home, i miss my friends and meetings and sister circles. Blessings to you all, i love that you are in my life and i am in yours. joy

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lorin October 8

Oklahoma City, and it's pouring! Which is good for locals, because of the drought here abouts. Stayed last night at a place run by a teacher of 5th and 6th graders, science mainly. Global warming? Evolution? Hard to say what role humans play...he said; earth has been hot before. Evolution is a theory and as for carbon dating, well that's not a proven procedure....And so on.

Big cross winds all day held down the travel....Happy to arrive in Oklahoma City and plug in. And now the rain has arrived. Equipped Dandy with his fancy raincoat, but when he saw what the weather was actually doing he decided to stay on the couch. At some point he will have to rethink that decision....


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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Toledo visit:We spent most of the time visiting children and grandchildren, the beautiful folks you see here, but we did have time to walk in Wildwood a wonderful 400-acre park that is a favorite of ours. The kids are great. Chase at 6 weeks is gaining weight and sprouting hair. His Mom Michelle is a nurse, and the mother of Josh, now in 9th grade, Kyle, now in 4th grade, and Allison (JV volleyball, varsity cheerleader, etc.)Philip (great grandchild) is four, and has a marvelous smile; he is loved. His Mom Julia is our oldest grand daughter and she's super responsible and in charge of a staff of 5. Her Mom Elissa is a graphic designer at a local newspaper, and creator of collages....Grandson Tony towers over us all, and unfortunately I accidentally deleted the pictures from the one night he was able to be with us. All in all, it was a fantastic visit!

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

In Effingham, Illinois we came around a bend in the hiway and....


A pair of local comedians apparently have fun telling " ...'effing" jokes

Welcome to the midwest!
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Joy September 24, and September 25

Hi all, This road trip has been a long while coming. We are in our RV and traveling slowly towards Toledo OH to see family---my 95 year young Mother and a new grandchild. We left a week ago Friday - spent 3 nights in Santa Fe, loved it. The light there is magic. And because I misread my GPS we went northeast instead of southeast. Stayed in a small town in New Mexico a couple of nights ago then on to Dodge City. Tonight is our second night in Dodge City KS, went to boot hill and the museum. Wonderful day, hot here 91 . As we travel east we have been watching weather- so far so good. Leaving the Pacific then into the Desert and mountains, now on the prairie. This country is wonderful, big and friendly. We have loved the beauty and light as we travel. Every time change we lose an hour, on the way back we will gain. Good to finally be on the road, Dandy has been a great traveler. 9/25 Topeka KS today, the park is so well appointed we are going to stay two nights. Moving on Tues. To St. Louis on Tues. WE are giving ourselves a vacation---well earned, just mozzing along. Thanks for all your love and light, Joy